I found that to be the case with the stones as well, with the finer grits seeming to load more quickly. I forgot I designed a 3d printed Venev stone holder/adapter to work with my wicked edge, but I haven't used it yet. I was really surprised by the level of polish they produce, and how quickly. I was not one for mirrored edges prior to these stones just due to the time involved, but now mosby valorum - New Knives, and New to You Knives
Also how do you like the Venev stones? I picked up a couple several months ago and I've been pleasantly surprised, though my experience with stones is mainly with diamond/cbn plated stones.by valorum - New Knives, and New to You Knives
Any feedback on the hardness of the blade? I sharpened one of the Hinderer design Kershaws for my buddy a few weeks back and I was shocked how thick it was behind the edge. I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the 0.035-0.040"+ range. I tried to match the factory edge angle, since I was short on time, and it felt really wrong to have the blade what felt like nearly perpendicular to tby valorum - New Knives, and New to You Knives
This looks super cool. Definitely on my "I want one, but have no idea what I'd use it for," list. The idea of clustering Pis is really interesting, but for me anyway it's in the "solution looking for a problem" category, though most of my projects are. Any idea what you'd run on them, Jason?by valorum - Computers and Tech
I don't have much experience with hollow ground blades--I think a Sebenza I had a while ago was the only one I've used much--but I found in my use primarily cutting up cardboard and stiff materials where the entire blade was through the piece being cut, the grind didn't show any noticeable advantage over an FFG. I found it amusing the shoulder where the hollow came out to the fullby valorum - General